Radical Congruency has an outline of Tony Campolo's talk on homosexuality @ the 2004 Emergent Convention. I've listed some of the highlights below, and also some video clips of the talk.
This has become a dividing line among Christians, a defining issue. It should not be. It is a secondary issue.
Jesus does not address this issue. He does condemn religious leaders. He does condemn divorce and remarriage.
If you can show grace to the divorced (which Jesus condemns), why can you not show grace to the homosexuals (which Jesus does not mention).
He most likely held to a conservative position (followed the old law). Hebrew Scriptures state homosexuality is an abomination (but also along with other weird kosher laws). The purity code has been eliminated (do not call unclean what I have made clean). The moral code has not.
If you’re going to be consistent, then we have to throw all of the divorced/remarriage people out of the church.
We have made it into some kind of super sin.
We have to acknowledge homosexual Christians as our brothers and sisters, because that is what they are.
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Yes, I love them, but... THERE ARE NOT BUTS!!!
The State should only grant civil unions for both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Church will grant marriage – marriage is sacred and has nothing to do with the State.
Video Clip 1: "Those who are out to condemn me, and some people do on this, say, 'You're far too soft on the gay community.' I don't like it when Christians are hard on the gay community, so I don't mind being soft." (5.8MB MPEG, 4:29)
Video Clip 2: "There is no explanation of a homosexuality orientation that has sufficient empirical validity." (12.8MB MPEG, 9:50)
Video Clip 3: "I'm waiting for the day when a homosexual can stand up in church and say, 'I am a homosexual. Every day I struggle with this. Every day the war goes on. And I've only been able to survive because I have this network of Christian friends who know me and love me and pray for me and support me and encourage me and [are] family to me.' ... I'm waiting for the church of Jesus Christ to begin to do something like that in the local congregation." (11.1MB MPEG, 8:33)
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