Thursday, August 18, 2005
"I can't tell if I'm being insubordinate in exploring these thoughts or if I need courage to go farther. I feel that I may be falling away from my faith. But then again, if I hold back from honestly pursuing the truth, wouldn't that be pulling away from you--even worse? If I let go or loosen my grip on some things I've never before doubted will I fall away from you? Or could I actually find myself falling into you? Guide me, please..." (>>)
Anonymous @ Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:32:00 PM:
wow, that's a cool quote. Have you read the book? If so, whadda ya think of it as a whole?
Ian Dunn @ Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:33:00 PM:
Reading it right now, love it. There are some things I don't necessarily agree with or think he takes too far, but it defintely articulates a lot of thoughts and feelings that have been developing in me the past few years. Have you read it? What'd you think?
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